Thursday, May 8, 2008

Weekend of Fun Day 2

On day 2 of WofF, we drove a few hours north of Princeton to the Delaware Water Gap. Laurie had suggested it as a nearby vacation spot for us and she was so very right, it is absolutely beautiful. David had reserved a beautiful B&B for us near Shawnee, on the Pennsylvania side, but we wanted to get a hike in before arriving.

So we did a four hour loop up to Sunfish Pond (on the Jersey side of the Gap) and had a picnic lunch, saw a Hooded Warbler, and checked out some nice waterfalls.

Then we went to Santosha on the Ridge, where our bedroom was nestled up in the trees and I could bird from my window.

It's called the Sunrise Room, and each morning the light would flood in and the birds would sing and while David slept I crept around to each of the three views from our room with my binoculars trying to ID the little feather creatures. Then I'd go back to sleep, because breakfast wasn't served until 9.....

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